Books are flying off the shelves at CVG Airport
You can read for free at CVG. The Airport Library in Concourse B is getting stocked with more than 1,000 donated books ahead of the spring break travel season. This is the biggest haul since the library opened to travelers in the summer of 2023, with nearly 330 adult books and 720 children/teen books.

To keep it simple and convenient for passengers, a library card is not required to check a book out of the library. When a reader is finished with a book, they can pass it on to another passenger, bring it back to the Airport Library as they make their way through CVG, or drop it off at a partnering library: Kenton County Public Library, Boone County Public Library, Campbell County Public Library, or the Cincinnati and Hamilton County Public Library.

The Airport Library is always accepting book donations of all genres, particularly fiction, adult and children, and nonfiction, such as biographies. If you have literature you’d like to give to the library, you can drop it off at the location in Concourse B or at one of the libraries mentioned above. Dictionaries, yearbooks, and encyclopedias are not accepted but can be donated to the Friends of the Library.
Planning a trip? Check out one of these books from the library.
CVG recommends:
Want the "CliffNotes" of the Airport Library? Watch a short video walkthrough.