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Investor Relations
KCAB continuing disclosure and other material event filings pertaining to its Airport Revenue Bonds and CFC Revenue Bonds are available on the Electronic Municipal Market Access (“EMMA”) website and can be obtained by visiting KCAB has made voluntary disclosure filings related to some of the impacts that COVID-19 has had on passenger traffic, operations and finances and to describe some of the actions that KCAB has taken in response.

Airport Revenue Bonds
For information pertaining to the Kenton County Airport Board Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport Revenue Bonds, including governing bond documents, bond official statement, and the voluntary disclosure EMMA filings, click on Airport Revenue Bonds below.

CFC Revenue Bonds
For information pertaining to the Kenton County Airport Board Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport Senior Customer Facility Charge Taxable Revenue Bonds (Consolidated Ground Transportation Facility), including governing bond documents, bond official statements, and the voluntary disclosure EMMA filings, click on CFC Revenue Bonds button below.