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Business Courier: CVG's Paris flight set to return


Cincinnati Business Courier / Chris Wetterich / October 6, 2020

One flight that has been the pride and joy at Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport has been Delta Air Line’s nonstop trip to Paris, which once was the only transatlantic flight in Ohio, Kentucky or Indiana.

It’s a key market for the region because it allows companies to get to Europe on a nonstop flight.

On March 28, Delta grounded the Paris flight amid the pandemic. Travel by U.S. citizens to European Union countries, including France, remains banned because the U.S. has not yet brought the virus under control, while business travel largely remains grounded for most companies.

But Delta has given CVG news that likely will prompt a sigh of relief from the region’s business community: The Paris flight is scheduled to return in March 2021.

CVG spokeswoman Mindy Kershner said the flight’s resumption will depend on several factors.

“We are pleased that the Delta CVG-Paris flight is targeted to return spring 2021, depending on demand and operating conditions. CVG is currently the only airport in Ohio, Kentucky or Indiana with planned nonstop service to Europe in 2021,” Kershner said.

An airline spokesman did not immediately return an email seeking comment.

Before the pandemic, Delta had begun offering the same route from Indianapolis.

CVG has been hoping to build on it for years, potentially with a flight to London or elsewhere on the continent where the region’s corporations do business, perhaps Germany.

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