CVG Airport to invest $29 million in runway rehab project
An airport’s runways require routine upkeep similar to the roads and highways we drive on every day. CVG’s airfield is in use nearly 24 hours a day, every day of the year, and frequent use by heavy aircraft requires a robust maintenance program. In summer 2024, CVG is beginning a $29 million rehabilitation project on Runway 18/36C. The project is scheduled to be completed through early December 2024. If you are scheduled to fly out of CVG, don’t worry. Work on this project should not have a significant impact on aircraft operations since CVG has three other runways that aircraft can use. Neighbors living near the airport may experience a temporary change in aircraft activity (increase or decrease) depending on the location.
Runway 18/36C is just a bit more than two miles in length at 11,000 feet. When the airport opened in 1947, Runway 18/36 was CVG’s only north/south runway. Over time, CVG has built two parallel runways on either side of 18/36C that are operational.
Runways at CVG are generally rehabilitated every eight to 12 years, and a runway is fully reconstructed about every 20 to 30 years (depending on pavement condition). You may remember that CVG rehabilitated its only east/west runway, Runway 9/27, in 2021. Routine maintenance of CVG’s infrastructure ensures the safety of passengers, employees, and aircraft. It keeps the airport operating exceptionally well. As part of this runway rehabilitation project, CVG is completing runway safety area (RSA) grading work, taxiway demolition and relocation, and airfield lighting upgrades.