Meet Brick, one of CVG's canine officers
Brick is a hard-working canine officer and a lovable family dog. He and his human partner, officer Nick Ruffing, do a ‘pawsome’ job at keeping the airport safe and secure.
What job does Brick do at CVG?
Brick is one of the dogs at the airport that detects narcotics; the other type of dogs at CVG detect explosives. Being a German Shorthaired Pointer, he has a very strong nose and a lot of drive.
How long has Brick been at the airport?
He and his partner completed their training in November 2019.
Tell us about Brick’s background.
Brick was born in 2018 in Hungary. Many of the working dogs at CVG are from Europe; they are well traveled!
Does he like coming to work?
Brick, along with his canine officer friends, get very excited to come to work. They enjoy having jobs to do and keeping their minds active. While Brick and his canine friends are very cute, please remember to keep your paws off; the dogs are hard at work.
How did Brick get his name?
All CVG’s canine officers were named and received extensive training before they joined the police force.
What does he do in his off time?
When he’s off duty, Brick enjoys relaxing in his massive and luxurious doghouse and spending time with his family.