
Terminal Information

Quick Links

A photo of passengers reuniting and embracing.
  • Meeting Passengers

    Discover the designated meeting areas for incoming passengers

  • A photo of the Lost and Found office at CVG Airport.
  • Lost & Found

    Missing an item? Here are some resources.

  • CVG Family Friendly Resources

    Traveling with children? Here are some fun resources to keep the little ones occupied and a few tips and tricks from traveling parents.

  • Ground Transportation

    Need to traverse the land after being transported through the sky? Our friends will make sure you arrive at your final destination.

  • Car Rental Facility
  • Rental Cars

    Want to take the reigns into your own hands and drive? Rent a car at our Car Rental Center.

  • A photo of the mural on the 3rd floor of the CONRAC.
  • Art & Exhibits

    Can't wait to go sightseeing? CVG Airport is loaded with artifacts and art pieces to take a gander at.